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The Mosby Foundation helps qualified limited-income pet parents facing extenuating veterinary circumstances no one could possibly foresee.

Pick Your Passion

Critical medical care, cancer, senior dogs, heart health or spay/neuter.


Every single dollar counts!

Easy ways to support

Every purchase with these companies will help a Dog in need.

“We are so thankful for all the help we received from you to make Coda’s surgery possible. With Ben being a police officer, we have limited income and our daughter, Bailee, has cerebral palsy…”
Emily, Blacksburg, VA

Why Canine Pet Parents Ask for Our Help

No matter how you might plan for the future, sometimes life throws a curve, and that includes making a dog part of your family.

For the individual or family on a limited income, these circumstances can be financially devastating.

Compassionate pet parents often try many avenues to fundraise for their dog.

Yet, over and over again, we find they have lost hope. They fear they will lose their dog, their best friend, and often times, their “once in a lifetime friend.”

Thank You to Our Corporate Sponsors!

We are so thankful to all of our individual and corporate donors and sponsors. It is with grateful hearts that we thank you all for your support to our mission. We could not do this without each and everyone of you!

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